Calabash NC Real Estate

See Calabash NC Real Estate, Homes, and Properties.

Find the town of Calabash in Brunswick
County and coastal North Carolina.
View Calabash NC homes for sale.
Located in Brunswick County near
Sunset Beach, Calabash is also a
short distance from Little River
and North Myrtle Beach South


Enjoy the local shops, and dine
in the seafood restaurants. Find
boating, fishing and sailing, and
see golf courses in the Calabash
and Sunset Beach NC area.

If you plan to relocate to the coast,
see Devaun Park, Crow Creek,
and The Meadowlands, and ask
about additional communities in
the Calabash and Brunswick
County NC area.

Call Dennis at 910-279-0989  or  Penny at 910-279-0990.

Contact The Krueger Team for Calabash and Brunswick
County NC real estate information.
Brunswick County NC  -  North Carolina Homes for Sale  -  Calabash NC  -  Carolina Buzz